Richard was an undergraduate in Chemical Engineering at Brigham Young University, and received his MBA from BYU in 1990.
He has worked as a Asia Region Group Finance Manager for P&G Far East, as well as the Managing Director of John Deere C&F Asia Pacific and JCB Asia Pacific.
He has worked for several Nutritional Supplement Companies over his career of 30 years. He has worked extensively with water-based Nano Technology for the past 20 years in fields ranging from water-based hydrogen fuel-assist devices, diesel and coal-fired power plants to make them more environmentally friendly through increased fuel economy as well as lowering emissions. This research led to a novel approach to delivering nano-nutrients and cellular hydration, and since 2007 Richard has been working on utilizing this proprietary technology to advance the science behind rapid consistent absorption of safe and effective nutrients that can make a significant difference in people’s health
The unique properties of AQASOME NPC process certainly offer significant advantages for oral medication delivery. This innovative approach allows for rapid onset, improved bioavailability, and enhanced effectiveness of the active ingredient.
Hydration is essential for maintaining overall health and well-being. Here are four key reasons why staying adequately hydrated is crucial:
Adequate hydration is vital for optimal physical performance. Water is a key component of blood, and proper hydration helps maintain adequate blood volume and flow to muscles. This, in turn, supports endurance, strength, and overall athletic performance.
Water plays a crucial role in regulating body temperature through processes such as sweating and respiration. During physical activity or exposure to high temperatures, the body loses water through sweat. Proper hydration helps prevent dehydration, heat-related illnesses, and supports the body’s ability to cool itself.
Water is a primary component of bodily fluids, including blood. It facilitates the transport of nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, throughout the body. Adequate hydration is essential for the absorption and transportation of nutrients from the digestive system to cells, supporting various physiological functions.
Hydration is crucial for maintaining cognitive function and mental clarity. Dehydration can impair concentration, focus, and overall cognitive performance. Even mild dehydration has been shown to affect mood, increase perceived task difficulty, and lead to feelings of fatigue.